Please support TN Gamma Chapter and White Castle Properties by donating to the fund of your choice.
The funds below are managed by White Castle Properties and are not tax deductible. Click on the fund name to donate.
Ish Biddley Society - provides a monetary award to the Active Chapter each semester upon achievement of goals set between the Chapter and the Ish Biddley Board. These awards are for social activities that do not include alcohol. The Society welcomes alumni who are in good standing to become a member with a minimum annual donation of $50.
365 Recruitment Fund - allows the chapter to continue to build their presence at ETSU and remain the #1 Fraternity on campus. Donations will be deposited directly into the chapter's checking account and will be administered by the VP of Recruitment with guidance from the VP of Recruitment Mentor and AVC.
Renovation Fund - provides funds to pay expenses incurred by White Castle Properties in the renovation of the first floor of the chapter house at 920 West Maple Street. The initial renovation has been completed and the next project will be repairing, sanding and refinishing the floors in the foyer and meeting room. Future renovations will be considered as needed.
Memorabilia Cabinet Fund - covers the cost of a cabinet to store significant historical artifacts of the TN Gamma chapter. This cabinet was custom built and installed in September 2022 by Preston Woodworking. Alumni from the 1960s have made this their special project although everyone is welcome to donate.
Order of the Sacred Heart - provides White Castle Properties with funds to support the chapter, print and mail the Heartbeat, fund or partially fund alumni events, and pay for expenses related to the AVC. This fund is a monthly bank draft initiated by the Alumni Treasurer whom you may contact to become a member of the OSH.
The Leadership Fund, SLC Fund and Memorial Scholarship Endowment are managed by the SigEp Educational Foundation and donations are 100% tax deductible. Click on the fund name to donate.
TN Gamma Leadership Fund- allows the AVC to pay some or all of itemized Leadership related expenses on the Chapter's Fall or Spring bill. Qualified travel related expenses for Chapter members attending SigEp regional or national leadership programs (Carlson, Conclave, Ruck, Tragos Quest to Greece, Life After College, etc can be paid from this fund. This fund will allow the chapter to utilize more of their dues for projects, events, and activities of their choosing.
TN Gamma SLC (RLC) Fund-provides funds to support chapter educational programming. Funds can also be used for furniture, fixtures, and equipment to facilitate learning in the educational portions of the chapter house. SigEp Learning Community events/programming, BMP events/programming and AVC/Mentor Committee sponsored retreats and programming activities. Choose RLC Fund in the drop down menu.
TN Gamma Memorial Scholarship-awards scholarships to TN Gamma active chapter brothers. This scholarship was created to honor brothers who have passed away and was initially funded through the Founders Day Memorial Golf Tournament. Individual donations to honor deceased alumni are welcomed.